Angels for rent?
Kategori: Allmänt
Sometimes i feel like im surrounded with misery. By that i dont mean my own, thats my point here. Me, myself, is not a direct victim of tragedy if thats a proper word. But near and loved ones are. So how can i take my non-misery lifeexperiences and help them evidently i cant. Because i can never feel, what they feel or have felt. Thats the thing here, nobody has. If Karen lost her pinkyfinger in an accident, Lisa cant help her dealing with that cause she lost an ear in a fire. And Mia has nothing to say cause she has all her bodyparts intakt. But Mia loves Karen and wants her best and wellbeing, and the same goes for Lisa. Lisa and Karen cries for help, but when somebody offers it they always refuse and/or recent it. I could never know but im guessing that in the end its all about helping yourself. Of course you can ask a friend to hold your hand while doing it, but it doesnt seem right to bite her in the ass for it. Its not a rare thing to feel the erge of screaming and hitting something, but when that need comes dont take it out on one of your loved ones. Walk away, do it to a wall or just shake it off.
My biggest wish right here, right now, isnt a dog to cuddle with, its no a million box, its not a car, its not my dreamjob. Right now all want is some guideness to my miserable loved ones, kind of like an angel just giving them i tiny push in the right direction. And i should add, im not religious..
I wish i was an angel passing by
a dreammaker at night
wish i was an angel in your life
carry you thruogh